He knew if he kept playing with it, it would turn on. I don't think Ethan had ever seen a cassette before. After he realized the box couldn't do anything, he went back to the cassette and learned to pull the tape out of the cartridge. Fun kinda ended then.
Since Ethan pulled out the cassette tape 'Learn how to Play Harmonica', I thought he was ready to try it. I went out to the car and got the harmonica (you may be wondering why one carries a harmonica in their car- I'm ready for a trafffic jam to entertain myself. Columbus hasn't ever had a traffic jam--but I'm ready if it happens) Unfortunately, Ethan wasn't quite ready for the blowing in and out to make music. If only we had a cassette player so he could learn!
too funny! i am glad you have this picture so when there are no casette tapes any more he at least knows that he played with one at one time.