Friday, August 24, 2012

And the winner is....

Yesterday morning I drove to the Trobaugh's for a play day with....
Corey and Anne decided who stayed home with grandma based on who needed a break from school. I guessed with was Ethan as I rounded the corner to their house. But, Morgan just started school last week so maybe she was due a nice nap in her bed.

And the winner (or loser depending how you looked at it) is:

Miss Morgan!

We had a fun day taking a walk, 3 naps, bath, and lots of yummy snacks-puréed peas, rice cereal, and spinach puffs. Morgan sang some songs and worked on saying 'Mama'.

The fashionista changed outfits twice---because she can!

Next week I travel to Minneapolis to visit Bennett. I'm taking a large suitcase to bring him back home.

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