Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Transition Day

No, you're not seeing a repeat of a precious blog posting. There's another Transition going on. This one is just a day, not a week.

Bennett was invited to meet his new teachers at Kinder Care prior to starting there next week. His Daddy dressed him in official Miami of Ohio college wear for the first day.

He's rocking the Red Hawks wear!

This is what Bennett looked like before he left for school.

This is what Bennett looked like when I picked him up from school

And to celebrate his new transition and that fact he's the most talented baby in Room 4--we went to Starbucks. This was Bennett at Starbucks.

And lastly, I want to share a picture of Bennett after his 2 hours at his new school.

It's been fun to be part of Transition day/week for Bennett and Morgan.

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